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Up-coming Book -: Dr Lenrie Peters, Trailblazer of Gambian Literature

Soon to come
Published by Global Hands.

Dr Lenrie Peters is without doubt the trailblazer of Gambian literature. His poetry has been studied in several schools across Africa yet many Gambian researchers have little or no knowledge of who Peters really was and where his conviction lied. This book is an exploration of Peters origins, convictions, ideologies and writings. It is an attempt to help understand who Peters truly was through this rare collection of his statements, essays and short stories. Peters represented the nagging paradox of the poet/writer whose main major academic orientation was in the medical sciences. He also reflected the new emerging writer who made more emphasis on the African woes and challenges rather than restrict himself on the nationalistic approach taken by his counterparts of his era. Through this collection of his works, we discover vividly who Peters truly was and how his orientation was different from the colonial and post-colonial African writers of his time. We will discover that Peters had taken so much from his father the sharp criticism against the coloniser but a much sharper attack against the post independent leaders who truly failed Africa. This first ever published book on Peters will make its readers discover him to be the pathfinder ushering a new era of writers of his time.

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